6 Ways to Improve Self-Awareness and Become the Best Version of Yourself

6 Ways to Improve Self-Awareness and Become the Best Version of Yourself
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6 Ways to Improve Self-Awareness and Become the Best Version of Yourself.

Do you ever look in the mirror and wonder what others see when they look at you? Do you feel that others would describe you as confident, friendly, or hardworking?

The truth is that these types of questions are impossible to answer unless you are an objective observer of yourself in other words, self-aware.

And while self-awareness takes years to develop, there are several steps you can take today to ensure that you’re on your way to becoming the best version of yourself possible.

Read on to discover six ways to improve self-awareness and become the best version of yourself!

1) Know yourself better

Self-awareness is the key to overcoming anything in life. The more self-aware you are, the more you know about yourself, which means you can identify your strengths and weaknesses better.

With this knowledge, you can then work on what needs improving most and try new things.
It’s never too late to start improving your self-awareness by exploring these six ways:
1) Reflective writing

2) Journaling

3) Talking it out

4) Reading

5) Meditating

6) Mindfulness exercises

2) Get clear on what you need

If you’re not getting what you need, you’re either not asking for it or not getting it. You can’t change anything if you don’t know what needs changing.

3) Ask others for advice

What would you say is your biggest weakness?
I’m not sure I have a weakness.
How do you know if there is something that could be improved?
I think I need to work on my communication skills.

4) Stop comparing yourself to others

When you compare yourself to others, it can bring about feelings of insecurity. Remember that everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses.

You are not as good at everything as everyone else is, but you are better at some things than others. Focus on your strengths rather than your weaknesses.

5) Follow your heart, not trends

Many people have a tendency to follow trends in order to be accepted, but what if you are happy with who you are?

You should never feel obligated to change. You shouldn’t feel like you need other people’s approval, especially not for something as personal as your appearance.

At the end of the day, it is up to each individual person on how they want to live their life. No one can tell them any differently because everyone is different, and that is what makes life interesting.

6) Let go of your ego

Too often, we are caught up in what other people think about us or how they feel. The more you let go of your ego, the easier life will be.


What is self-awareness?

Self awareness is knowing your emotions, thoughts, strengths, and weaknesses. It’s also understanding what’s going on around you.

When you have self awareness, you can make better decisions about who you are or want to become. You can also work on what needs improving in your life or the lives of others.

How do I improve my self-awareness?

You should never feel obligated to change. You shouldn’t feel like you need other people’s approval, especially not for something as personal as your appearance.

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Read also: 6 Practical Ways to Become More Self-Aware – Real Simple

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