BECE candidates should consider enrolling in TVET programmes

BECE candidates should consider enrolling in TVET programmes
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Why BECE candidates should consider enrolling in TVET programmes.

Many BECE candidates may be choosing to enter the world of work by enrolling in TVET programmes at SHS and institutes, before pursuing further education at Senior High School or other tertiary institutions.

The main reason for this choice may well be the high unemployment rates among secondary school leavers, coupled with the fact that businesses often prefer job applicants with technical skills over those with solely academic qualifications.

If you’re currently taking or planning to take the BECE exams, it might be worth your while to consider enrolling in some TVET courses as well at the SHS. Here are five good reasons why.

Let’s look at some of the reasons why

*A TVET programme will teach you the skills to successfully start a business.
*It will allow you to gain experience and work hands-on with equipment that you would not be able to afford as an individual entrepreneur.
*You will have the opportunity to learn from industry professionals and other entrepreneurs in your field of interest.
*It will provide you with opportunities for scholarships, grants, fellowships, internships, mentorships and more!

There are a lot more benefits

Senior High School offers a wide range of courses, but they do not offer any vocational courses or technical training.

If you’re looking for practical skills to help you get a job right after school, then enrolling in a TVET programme at SHS is the way to go because it allows you to gain knowledge and skills that are applicable in your field and will allow you to get employed at the end of your coursework.

You can start earning from Day 1

BECE graduates can start earning the first day they graduate from SHS, either by taking on a part-time job or starting their own business.

Plus, the skills learned in a TVET programme can help them get ahead of the game and be more competitive when searching for jobs or seeking to start their own businesses.

TVET qualifications open up opportunities

TVET qualifications are more job-ready than general degrees and certificates, as they equip students with skills that can be applied in the workplace immediately after graduation.

A wide range of courses available

TVET programmes are not only a good option for those who are interested in the sciences, but also for those who enjoy humanities or business courses. With more than 250 courses to choose from, there is something for everyone!


1. What are the benefits of a TVET?


1. Flexible scheduling, practical experience, specialized programs, and so forth.

2. A practical setting.

3. Swiftly enter the workforce.

4. Career prospects with good salary.

2. What is a TVET programme?

The term “technical and vocational education and training” (TVET) is used to refer to education, training, and the development of skills pertaining to a broad range of occupational domains, products, services, and livelihoods.

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