Examination Malpractice: The Consequences on Students

Date For WASSCE 2022 Results Announced By WAEC
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Examination Malpractice: The Consequences on Students

Examination malpractice is the act of cheating during an examination or altering the outcome of an examination by dishonest means.

With exams being such an important part of students’ education, it is important to note that exam malpractice can have serious consequences on their future careers, including the possibility of expulsion from educational institutions and even imprisonment in some cases.

In order to keep students informed about the consequences they may face if they engage in examination malpractice, Universities and the Ghana Education Service (GES) should take measures to make sure that students are aware of what constitutes exam malpractice and what punishments they may face if they engage in these practices.

Examination malpractice happens when a student receives information about an upcoming examination in ways other than through the examination instructions issued by the course instructor.

When a student commits examination malpractice, they are cheating themselves out of a chance to learn and grow. Cheating also puts unfair pressure on those who don’t cheat, and can lead to decreased grades and even expulsion from school.

In some cases, students have been known to resort to violence in order to get their hands on examination materials.
Examination malpractice is not only unfair, it’s also dangerous.

Exams can be open book, but some limits apply

Many people believe that examination malpractice is not a big deal. However, it can have significant consequences on students.

Cheating can lead to unfairness in the academic process, and it can also lead to academic dishonesty. Cheating can also lead to decreased grades and may even get you expelled from school.

Know what exam practice is allowed

Taking a practice exam is a great way to prepare for an upcoming test, but it’s important to know what types of activities are allowed. Examining old tests, using study aids, and talking to classmates are all great ways to prepare, but cheating is not tolerated.

Cheating can lead to serious consequences, including a loss of points, a lower grade, and a possible suspension from school.

Consider whether you really need to share your notes

Taking notes during lectures and sharing them with classmates is a great way to learn. But when it comes to sharing your notes with others in the examination hall, you need to be careful.

If you share your notes with someone who is planning to commit examination malpractice, you could be held responsible and your papers may be cancelled by the exam committee (WAEC).

Follow any specific rules set out by (WAEC)

Examination malpractice is a serious offense that can lead to severe consequences for the student. These consequences can include a loss of points, a lower grade, and even expulsion from school.

In some cases, the student may also be subject to legal action. Examination malpractice can have a serious impact on the student’s future, so it is important to follow rules and regulations in the exams hall and be aware of the consequences before cheating or bringing in any foreign materials.

Attend classes and pay attention

One of the best ways to avoid examination malpractice is to attend classes and pay attention. This way, you will be able to learn the material and be better prepared for the test. Additionally, you will be less likely to cheat if you know the material and the type of questions been asked.

Don’t commit time fraud by claiming time spent studying for an exam that was never held.

It’s easy to understand how someone could be tempted to commit time fraud. After all, if you’re studying for an exam that never ends up happening, it can feel like a waste of time. But trust us, it’s not worth it.  study your book and be free from examination malpractices.


1. What is examination malpractice?

A purposeful act that is against the official examination regulations and intended to provide a candidate an unfair advantage or disadvantage is described as examination malpractice by the World Bank (2001).

2. What are the consequences of examination malpractice?

Examinees, educational institutions, local communities, and the nation as a whole are all negatively impacted by examination fraud. Individuals, families, and the country have suffered greatly as a result of dismissal, termination, loss of status, and lack of confidence in our Educational systems.

3. Who is most affected by examination malpractice?

A study found that cheating in exams results in a complete loss of faith in the educational system, lower student enrollment, frequent results cancellation, dissuasion of good students/candidates from diligent study, removal of innocent students’ chance of admission, and decreased job effectiveness.
4. How can we prevent examination malpractice?
Currently, institutions deter exam fraud by monitoring students, putting up barriers in the exam rooms, and punishing violators. These strategies fall short in reducing examination malpractice because they don’t deal with the issues that students face that lead to it.
5. What are the long-term effects of examination malpractice?

Recommended reading: GES Basic School Calendar for the Upcoming Year

Read also:  25 Self-help Solutions To Stop Examination Malpractice

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