How WhatsApp admins can delete comments in groups

WhatsApp Admins Can Now Delete Comments in Groups
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WhatsApp Admins Can Now Delete Comments in Groups.

If you’re part of a group on WhatsApp, you’ve probably had the experience of scrolling through comment after comment and finding yourself trying to decipher if each reply was directed at the comment above it or below it.

To help keep conversations clean and organized, WhatsApp has introduced the ability for group admins to delete comments in groups (but not media).

This new feature will help keep conversations clean and organized so that everyone can better focus on what matters most the conversation itself. Let’s take a look at how this feature works!

When will group admins be able to delete posts?

Group admins on WhatsApp have the option to delete messages posted in the group conversation by other members.

On Tuesday, WhatsApp unveiled a new update to its beta program that included an admin option that allows group admins to delete messages posted in their conversations with others.

While this addition was welcomed by many WhatsApp users, the privacy concerns over being able to delete messages is making some people skeptical.

How many times an admin can delete a message?

Since the group was made private, WhatsApp admins can delete comments as many times as they want. Before, admins could only delete one comment and it had to be a post by them. If you are an admin, here is how to delete comments.

-Open the group or scroll down to the comments you want to delete and tap and long press it to   ‘Delete’.

-You’ll see a list of all posts, videos and links that were shared with this group.

What happens when you try to delete someone’s comment?

First, you have to be an admin of the group for this function to work. If someone tries to delete their own comment and it doesn’t go through, it may be because they’re not the admin.

To delete someone else’s comment, press and hold on the comment until a pop-up shows up that says Delete.

Are there any restrictions on this feature?

If a comment is deleted, it will be marked as deleted. In addition, the comment and the person who posted it will no longer be visible to other members of the group. Once a comment has been deleted, there is no way to undo this action.

What happens if two people try to remove the same comment at the same time?

You may be wondering how two people can remove the same comment at the same time. This is where the order of when comments are removed come into play.

When deleting a comment, admins are shown with a box with three options to choose from:

* Remove * Allow * No Action Once they select the option they want to use, they will be asked if they want to proceed with removing all comments in this thread or just this one reply.


Do you want to delete messages that have been sent and cannot be deleted anymore?

Follow these steps:

1. Find the message you want to delete by tapping on it or long press on it.

2. Press Edit/delete

3. Move your finger over the message to select it

4. Tap on Delete Message What if I receive a new message while editing a conversation?

If you are adding a new message or editing an existing one, tapping Delete Message will not delete this particular line of text.

Can admins delete messages on WhatsApp groups?

According to Beta Info, WhatsApp has released a new group chat feature to iOS beta users that allows group administrators to erase messages from other members.

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Read also: Find out how WhatsApp admins can delete comments in groups

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