No salary payment for workers without Ghana Card – CAGD

No salary payment for workers without Ghana Card - CAGD
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No salary payment for workers without Ghana Card (CAGD)

Employees in the public sector will not be paid after February 2024 if they do not have a Ghana Card. The Controller and Accountant General’s Department (CAGD) has announced that all public sector employees having Ghana Card numbers will have their pay frozen as of February 2024.

However, it is important to note that there have been developments regarding this directive. The CAGD initially stated that salaries would be withheld from workers without a Ghana Card. However, the directive was later suspended, and public sector workers were informed that they would receive their salaries as usual.

The decision to require a Ghana Card for salary payments has generated mixed reactions. Some labor unions expressed their dissatisfaction, stating that they were not consulted before the decision was made. They acknowledged the importance of the Ghana Card but raised concerns about the timing and lack of consultation.

It is worth noting that the legality of withholding salaries based on the absence of a Ghana Card has been questioned. Some members of parliament have argued that there is no law supporting the decision to stop salary payments for workers without a Ghana Card. This raises questions about the authority of the CAGD to implement such a directive.

In summary, the CAGD initially announced that government workers without a Ghana Card would not receive their salaries starting on December 1, 2021. However, this directive was later suspended, and workers were informed that they would receive their salaries as usual. The decision to require a Ghana Card for salary payments has sparked debates and raised questions about its legality.


Read also: ‘No Ghana Card, no salary payment for government…

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