Reason for your strike is Baseless : Parents tell Teacher Unions

Reason for your strike is Baseless : Parents tell Teacher Unions
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Baseless Strikes by Teacher Unions Discouraged by Parents.

Parents are increasingly upset with the recent wave of teacher strikes across the country, as data show that their protests are often based on unsubstantiated claims about low pay, appointment of new Director General in Pre-Tertiary schools.

Following the nomination of Dr. Eric Nkansah as the Director General of the Ghana Education Service, teacher unions announced a strike on Friday, November 4. 

The new Director General, in the unions’ opinion, is unqualified to lead them because he is not a licensed teacher.

Nevertheless, many parents believe that strikes over these issues are justified because they are only protesting an unfavorable system instead of making any real attempt to change it.

Parents are the customers

Teachers are an important part of our children’s lives and we want them to be happy. That is why we would like to discourage teacher unions from using baseless strikes for the following reasons.

First, parents are paying for their children’s education and it is unfair for us to have to pay again for a strike that is not needed.

Second, teachers do not have a direct relationship with the parents and are unable to understand our side of the issue when they go on strike.

Teacher unions should be focused on the students

Parents are not happy with the recent teacher union strikes. These strikes have been happening over the last few years and it has become a problem that parents just can’t take anymore.

The reason for the strike is because they are asking for more money and resignation of Director General, but they need to be focused on what’s best for their students, which is teaching them and giving them a quality education.

Baseless strikes make it difficult for parents to trust unions

Since we all know that things are tough in this nation Ghana, we have supported them in the most of their strikes, including the demand for COLA, but this specific strike has no foundation, and we believe they made all the wrong decisions, they said.

Parents want what’s best for their children

There is no manual for parenting. Every parent does their best to figure it out as each day passes. They pour all of their energy into providing a better life for their child and want to know that their best is enough to get their child off to a great start in life.


Read also: Reason for your strike is baseless: Parents tell teacher unions


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