There are Three (3) avenues for the verification process
1. Use of Call Center number (0556541525)
This method of confirming school enrollment is primarily intended for parents, students, and head teachers who live in locations without reliable internet connection.
If they have any problems, they must make a call to the number provided. They may also submit their request via the Examination Coordinator.
2. Use of the CSSPS Portal
Parents and applicants should log on to the CSSPS Portal using their Index Numbers and a Token provided by CSSPS, and they should check their GENDER (so that any necessary modifications can be made), name, and the school displayed,
3. Making Use of Email
Candidates should scan and upload the selection form using this method if their original school preferences have changed. Contact information:
Noting that the only method other than email via which one can scan and upload their original selection form is the first.
Exam Coordinators are advised to gather information on all potential candidates who may apply for CSSPS submission after re-entry in the interim. Consideration will be given to the years 2019, 2020, and 2021.
The given Token is free and has unlimited usage. After the bulk messages were sent, about 6,000 candidates were unable to receive or have not yet received their messages (system feedback).
If all information is accurate, parents are recommended to CONFIRM their school selections.
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